รุ่น LUMOS / Bruker

รหัสสินค้า : FTIR-LUMOS-Bruker


0.00 ฿

0.00 ฿

ราคารวม 0.00 ฿

FT-IR Spectrometer รุ่น LUMOS แบรนด์ Bruker / Germany

Fully Automated Stand-Alone FTIR Microscope

Best performance for visual inspection and infrared spectral analysis of micro samples with highest comfort in use

Due to the motorization of all moveable components including the ATR-crystal, the LUMOS provides an unmatched high degree of automation. All required changes of hardware settings as well as the complete IR-measurement procedures are performed fully automated – even in ATR-mode.

The intuitive software guides the operator step-by-step through the process of microscopic sample analysis. At each step the user interface only provides the appropriate functions to proceed. The measurement results in a single file including visible images, spectral data and sample information. For evaluation and visualization of the microscopic data the software provides powerful and intuitive Chemical Imaging functionality.

Although the LUMOS is designed to be operated by non-experts for routine applications its exceptional sensitivity makes it also very suitable for high demanding applications.


  • Stand-alone FTIR microscope with full automation
  • Highly comfortable and easy in use
  • Motorized ATR crystal (ATR = Attenuated total reflection)
  • Fully automated measurement in transmission, reflection and ATR mode
  • Large working distance; allowing ample space for sampling
  • Outperforming quality in both IR and VIS range
  • Space saving footprint

FT-IR microscopy with full automation

The LUMOS is a stand-alone FT-IR microscope with an integrated FT-IR spectrometer perfectly matched into its optical design. All components are motorized and electronically coded. The innovation of a motorized ATR-crystal allows the system to switch from transmission or reflection to ATR mode without interaction of the operator, and to measure fully automated sample and background spectra even in ATR mode.

  • Motorized Germanium ATR crystal with internal pressure control
  • Motorized transparent knife-edge aperture
  • Motorized condenser
  • Motorized Vis polarizer + analyzer (option)
  • Motorized sample stage (option)
  • Motorized z-drive
  • Motorized change from IR and Vis mode
  • Motorized change of numerical aperture in IR and Vis mode
  • Electronic recognition of stage plates

Excellent optics

The LUMOS includes an 8x objective which is used in transmission, reflection and ATR mode. The optics of the LUMOS is specifically matched to this objective resulting in a high imaging quality without field curvature distortion. To achieve a high depth of field for the visual inspection of a sample, but also highest sensitivity for the IR analysis, the applied numerical aperture is automatically changed between IR and Vis mode.

  • 8x objective for automated measurements in transmission, reflection and ATR
  • Magnification can be increased to 32x by digital zooming
  • Large field of view at a high numerical aperture
  • Independent white light LED illumination in transmission and reflection
  • “Köhler apertures” for maximized visible contrast
  • Image capture by highly resolving digital CCD camera

Smart design

The LUMOS is very compact needing less lab space than conventional FT-IR microscopes. Yet it provides extraordinary large space between objective and stage giving room for samples with up to 40mm thickness. Due to an unobstructed access to the planar sample stage the sample positioning is extremely convenient.

  • Motorized Germanium ATR crystal with internal pressure control
  • Motorized transparent knife-edge aperture
  • Motorized condenser
  • Motorized Vis polarizer + analyzer (option)
  • Motorized sample stage (option)
  • Motorized z-drive
  • Motorized change from IR and Vis mode
  • Motorized change of numerical aperture in IR and Vis mode
  • Electronic recognition of stage plates

Powerful FT-IR technology

The heart of each FT-IR spectrometer is the interferometer. The LUMOS uses a patented, permanently aligned RockSolidTM interferometer being extremely insensitive against mirror tilts, vibrations and thermal effects.

  • Permanent aligned cube corner interferometer for highest stability
  • Gold coated mirrors for highest efficiency
  • All IR-transparent windows and the IR beam splitter are made of ZnSe providing robustness even against high humidity
  • Infrared light source with long life time (> 5 years)
  • Solid state laser with long life time (>10 years)
  • High sensitive photoconductive MCT detector; DTGS detector as option

Macro sampling

Although the LUMOS is a stand-alone FT-IR microscope it also provides the option to analyze larger samples using the MACRO UNIT connected to the left side of the LUMOS. The MACRO UNIT allows the use of all QuickSnapTM sampling modules of the compact FT-IR spectrometer ALPHA thereby providing sampling flexibility for almost all kinds of solid, liquid and gaseous samples

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