รุ่น ZEEnit 700 P / Analytik Jena

รหัสสินค้า : AAS-ZEEnit700P-AJ


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เครื่องวิเคราะห์หาปริมาณธาตุและสารโลหะหนัก | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) รุ่น ZEEnit 700 P แบรนด์ Analytik Jena / Germany


ZEEnit 700 P — With a plus of innovative features 

The ZEEnit 700 P represents a new generation of variable compact tandem spectrometers for flame mode, hydride, HydrEA and graphite furnace technology. It is able to analyze liquid and solid samples in one and the same system.

At a glance

  • 8-lamp turret suited for coded lamps
  • Transverse heated graphite tube furnace
  • Furnace camera to monitor and control sample introduction and combustion in the graphite tube
  • Deuterium and Zeeman background correction
  • Automatic optimization routines for flame composition and burner height
  • Atomization and pyrolysis temperature, magnetic field strength, two-field and three-field correction mode
  • Superior aspherical optical system with extraordinary components, such as a quartz coated toric mirror, provides excellent light throughput
  • Magnetic field technology, 3-field mode for extension of the linear concentration range
  • Two atomizers combined in a single instrument allow switching between flame, hydride and graphite furnace techniques without any mechanical movement

High sample throughput

  • Variable sample introduction technique capable of easily processing both liquids and direct solids making it unique
  • High performance autosampler MPE featuring functions such as intelligent dilution and enrichment makes over-night processing routine and guarantees the highest dosing precision
  • High sample throughput, variability and efficiency ensured by the dual atomizer concept

solid AA® — Direct analysis of solid samples

The transversely heated graphite furnace facilitates the introduction of liquid samples as well as direct solid sample feed. The combination of the furnace with powerful background correction forms the basis for optimal results.

The different manual or automatic samplers for solids make the use of ZEEnit for direct solid analytics child's play. The 3-field mode opens up a multitude of new possibilities, as significantly greater contents can be measured without dilution in a wide range of samples.


Software package ASpect® LS

ASpect® LS offers both routine operation and multifarious development and optimization facilities. It allows comprehensive control, monitoring and recording of all processes run in the spectrometer and its accessories.

Advanced user-friendliness

  • Simple, routine handling and great flexibility
  • Clearly laid-out user interface makes method development on the screen fast and simple
  • Ready-to-use cookbook programs facilitate getting into method development.

Automated optimization

  • The automatic optimizing routine simplifies the adaptation of methods to an unknown matrix. All parameters and functions are automatically monitored and controlled.
  • The software automatically optimizes and adapts flame and graphite tube parameters, such as Zeeman magnetic field strength in the 2field or 3field mode, atomizing and pyrolysis temperature, roll-over effect, and control of the 3field mode.

Data postprocessing the easy way

  • Diverse export routines in compatible data formats
  • Linking into networks or data transfer into LIMS system is not a problem either.

Quality control and GLP

  • ASpect® LS is compliant with all requirements of GLP: All analytical data are accessible, their accuracy is ascertained and documented.

FDA 21 CFR Part 11

  • Conformity to FDA 21 CFR Part 11 is ensured
  • Comprehensive user management, an electronic signature facility, the Audit Trail and many more features satisfy the requirements of FDA 21 CFR Part 1


solid AA® — Direct solid AAS

  • SSA 6 z — manual solid sampling system
  • SSA 600 — fully automatic solid sampling system with integrated microbalance
  • SSA 600L — fully automatic solid sampling system with integrated microbalance and liquid dosing accessory

Autosampler systems for flame, hydride and atomic fluorescence technique

AS-F and AS-FD — the autosamplers for flame technique make the routine analysis of standards and samples almost fully automatic.


HydrEA is a coupling of graphite furnace and hydride technique.

Modular hydride systems

  • Flow injection as well as batch mode available
  • Systems can be upgraded at any time — it “grows” with the lab’s requirements
  • Easy exchange between all configurations
  • Color-coded tubing connections and flow scheme — easy replacement of consumables
  • Upgrade to HydrEA, easy exchange between mercury/hydride and HydrEA
  • Special mercury accessories
  • Fast Baseline Return drastically reduces the measurement time for mercury
  • Fully compliant with all applicable DIN, ISO, EPA and ASTM methods for mercury and hydride analysis

“Segmented Flow Star SFS 6”

  • Two-way module for software-controlled metering of smallest volumes via time control
  • Reduces risk of burner head slit blocking due to continuous intensive rinsing
  • Minimizes necessity of cleaning intervals of the sample introduction system
  • Minimizes problems while analyzing samples with high matrix contents (high acid and salt contents, protein etc.)
  • Improves base line stability of the spectrometer (constant flame temperature)
  • Can additionally be used for the analysis of organic solvents
  • Complete maintenance free operation 


  • Allows software controlled periodical cleaning during flame warm up and during sample measurements
  • Ensures stable flame conditions


Our atomic absorption spectrometers are used in nearly every field of instrumental analysis. Among the most important ones there are:

  • Environment/water/waste water
  • Food/agriculture
  • Geology/mining
  • Metallurgy/galvanization
  • Material analysis
  • Semi-conductor technology
  • Chemistry
  • Polymer industry
  • Elektronics
  • Energy
  • Clinical chemistry/medicine/hygiene/health care
  • Refineries/petrochemistry
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